Some Weekend Eats

Hi Friends!

How was your weekend? I’m looking forward to tomorrow (Tuesday?!?) because it’s my company’s anniversary party. We only have to work a half day, and as a fun little bonus, we all receive cash. $79 for 79 years!

Here are some food pictures I took over the weekend.

On Friday, Meghan, Maya, Tina and I went to Flat Top Grill, one of my absolute favorites, especially after yoga class.  Tina hasn’t been coming to yoga with me 😦 so I’ve been getting takeout. It was extra fun for our whole group to go together.

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On the left is my favorite drink, the Desert Pear Lemonade. For some reason, I always want to call it “Dessert Pear” and the waiters have to correct me. My mixup kinda makes sense, right? It’s a sweet, dessert-y pear drink.

Later, I made a version of Chicken Parmesan in the slow cooker.

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I also found this in the kitchen. Tina left us some brownies after our dinner and game night last weekend. Yes, CJ took one bite and put the brownie back in the container. Boys. 😛

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Lastly, we went to Carmichael’s Chicago Steakhouse where I ordered scallops. Love love love scallops.

What was your favorite meal over the weekend?


“Chicken Parmesan” & Bruschetta

CJ is Italian and he likes to judge Italian restaurants by how their waiters pronounce “bruschetta.”

The correct Italian pronunciation is “brus-ketta,” but most people in the US just say “bru-shetta.”

Whenever we try a new Italian restaurant, (we went to Viaggio over the weekend) he orders “brus-ketta,” and the waiter always responds, “Sure, the bru-shetta.”

It drives CJ crazy. We’ve been to 1 restaurant where it was pronounced right.

Anyways, I decided to try my hand at making bruschetta.

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I also made “Chicken Parmesan” based off of Iowa Girl Eat’s recipe. I put “Chicken Parmesan” in quotes because it doesn’t actually involve breaded chicken or parmesan (she suggested using mozzarella).

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~ Tia